[ Contents ]
Built With Amiga home-page
HTML Authoring Software
Amiga Web Browsers
Amiga Java
TCP/IP Stacks
Other categories of software
ISPs supporting the Amiga
Sites that are Built With Amiga Software
Linking to this site
Suggestions and additions
Sign the Guestbook
Read the Guestbook
Search The Net for Amiga-related Items
What's new?
Acknowledgements & Thank Yous
How This Site Was Made
Amazing Amiga (My home pages)


[ Made On Amiga ]
[ Authored on Amiga ]


[ MoA "Cool Site" Award Winner ]
[ Selected by PC Webopaedia ]

Built With Amiga Software

What is BWA all about?
You may have noticed some web pages bearing logos indicating that they were made with Microsoft software, or Made on AppleMacs, or whatever. Well, this page is designed to be a focus point for all those of us who use our Amigas to create our Web Pages - let's show the rest of the World just how good this machine really is, and how widely used it is!

It is my intention that this page will not only show the World that the Amiga is still around, but will also contain useful information for fellow Amigans as to what software there is available for Web work - be it browsing or authoring - and also more general Internet-related activities (new, email and generally getting onto the Internet in the first place).

If you have any particular pieces of software you would like to recommend, then please let me have some details - what it is, where you can get it, how much, what it does and why you recommend it - I will do my best to collate all submissions so that we can have a complete picture! However I am NOT interested in comments along the lines of "xxx is great because I like it" or "yy is rubbish." - that doesn't help anyone!

Of course, for this campaign to be a success, I need your help, both in the form of suggestions, and, more importantly, by spreading the word! To that end, I would like to suggest that you might like to create a link to this page. Here are some suggestions for how to link to this site.

And Finally...
[ Amiga RC5 Team ] Got any spare CPU power? If so,then you might like to consider joining with many many fellow Amigans in putting those spare CPU cycles to a collective use, in the RSA Secret Key Challenge - it's perfectly legal, and just imagine how good it would feel if the Amiga team were to win! Pop along to the RC5 Amiga Team's page and have a look. (Whilst this is not in any way related to the "Built With Amiga Software" campaign, it does help to raise the profile of the Amiga.)
Thanks For Dropping By...
Well, that's all for now. Thank you for dropping by. I do hope you support the campaign, and perhaps you'll call again sometime - I certainly intend to keep the pages up-to-date with all the latest Amiga Software information. [ My signature ]

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The Built With Amiga Software campaign has welcomed over 12,000 visitors since its inception on the 7th of June, 1997, and is a member of the Amiga Web Network and the Amiga Web Ring .

Amiga Web Network

Site News

14th June
Launched a slightly new-look to the entire site - I hope you like it!.

8th June
A New TCP/IP stack is due to be announced imminently.

7th June
BWA is 1 year old today...

25th April
BWA gets its own domain - http://www. BuiltWithAmiga. org

Older News

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1997, 1998 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on June 14, 1998 .
[Built With Amiga Software]